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Todd Mun Plah – Thai Fish cake

                Thai fish cakes are different from American fish cakes.  We eat it as a snack, appetizer and with rice as an entrée.  Thai fish cakes use just crunched fish and knead with curry paste until you get the right texture.  So our Thai fish cakes have an elastic texture, but in a good way not crumbling like American fish cakes.  We also serve it with a dipping sauce that is made from cucumber and chicken dipping sauce (recipe in grill chicken blog) to make the dish complete.
Today I decide to make this dish, because one of my friends asked me in the facebook how to make Todd Mun Plah or Thai fish cake…. So I called my mom and asked her about how to make it because I have never made it before.  This recipe came from my great-grand mother.  She used to sell this food in Thailand when she was alive and her recipe is the most famous in town!!!  For me it seemed very hard the first time I saw her make it when I was a kid, but after my mom told me the recipe it does not seem too hard it just needs a little bit of technique to make it have the right texture.  Actually this recipe needs white ocean fish the best fish for this is grey fish but I can’t find it around my house, so this time I used salmon (very easy to find in the supermarket) the taste will be a little bit of a fishy taste rather then made with white mild fish.  I have to put more Thai basil in to balance the fishiness taste.  Here’s the recipe!!!

1 lb fish (white mild ocean fish is the best)
4 tbsp. curry paste
1 ½ cup green bean chopped
½ cup Thai basil leaves finely chopped
1 egg
4 tbsp. sugar
1 tbsp. fish sauce
1 tsp. salt dissolved into 1 tbsp. ice cold water
2 cups of vegetable oil for deep fry
1 cup ice for cooling the mixture during mixing
Cooking instructions
1.       Cut fish into small pieces then put it in a blender. Blend it until smooth

2.       In the extra-large bowl  pour 1 cup of ice and  a ½ cup of water then put the mixing bowl inside
3.       Remove the fish into a mixing bowl pour ice cold salted water into fish and knead it about 2 minutes.

4.       Add egg into it and continue kneading another 1-2 minute

5.       Add red curry paste continue kneading until curry paste mixed well with mixture then add sugar and fish sauce knead until mixed well
6.       Add green beans and Thai basil then mix it until mixed well.
Note : at this point if you want to test the taste of it just take ¼ tbsp. of mixture and microware it, if you don’t like the taste add more sugar or fish sauce if needed.

7.       Heat up vegetable oil in the pan about 350 degree or test by using a bamboo stick dip into hot oil, if you see a bubble air come out from stick it means the oil is ready to be fried.
8.       Use one table spoon scoop the mixture from a mixing bowl then another table spoon, scoop mixture out from that spoon into oil.

9.       Fried it about 2 minutes per side or until it cooked (the color will change to darker and it will come up to the surface then you can turn it.)  

10.    Serve with cucumber dipping sauce
Cucumber dipping sauce
1 cucumber
¼ cup grill chicken dipping sauce
1.       Cut cucumber into quarter slice it into small pieces (like picture) put it into bowl.
2.       Pour grill chicken sauce over cucumber then let it sit about 2 minutes.
Now how to eat it.  You have to dip the fish cake into cucumber sauce and eat it with the same bite to bring all of the flavor come together the best!!!
Todd Mun Plah – Thai Fish cake Todd Mun Plah – Thai Fish cake Reviewed by techkhmer on June 17, 2011 Rating: 5

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