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Tom Soup Gai- chicken soup (my mother recipe)

                Everyone has their favorite childhood recipes and this dish is the one for me.  This soup is one of our favorite dishes for the whole family evens my little one she can eat it and never get bored with it.  I have to say I don’t really know where this dish came from, so I gave this credit to my mom. This soup is very easy to make and easy to find ingredients for in America.  It has ingredients just like you make homemade chicken stock, but adding tomato in it.  Trust me you will love it too..  Let’s get cooking
1 Lb. of chicken (with bone)
1 Lb. tomato
1 Lb. onion
4 stalks of celery
2 potatoes
Salt and pepper
3 tbsp. fish sauce (if you don’t have it don’t worry)
2 quarts of water

Cooking instructions
1.       Cut everything into the same size about 1 inch.
2.       Bring water to a boil then add chicken and 1 tsp. salt into soup, let’s cook.
3.       When water is boiling again.  Put onions and tomatoes into it and cook about 30 minutes or until the onions and tomatoes soften, then season with salt/fish sauce and pepper.
4.       Then add potatoes and celery into pot and cook about 10 minutes or until it has cooked.
5.       Serve with rice or some time I serve with corn bread.
Tom Soup Gai- chicken soup (my mother recipe) Tom Soup Gai- chicken soup (my mother recipe) Reviewed by techkhmer on June 13, 2011 Rating: 5

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