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Green bean salad

This dish is an inspiration by when I went back to Thailand this spring I had winged bean salad in one of the restaurants in Khanchanaburi (the picture on the top of the blog).  This salad is not too spicy (most of Thai salad is very spicy) and it has interesting ingredients in this salad like coconut milk and served with hard boiled egg that not like any kind of Thai salad.  Unfortunately it’s hard to find wing bean around my house.  (What ‘s winged bean? Winged bean is the beans with four winged edges.  The fresh young pods are similar to green beans with a chewy texture and a slightly sweet taste. )  Since I can’t find my winged I use green beans instead.  Want to know how it all came together….here is the recipe

Ingredients : 1 serving
¼ cup ground pork
4 shrimps
1 cup thin sliced green beans
1 shallot
2 tbsp. fish sauce
2 tbsp. lime juice
2 tsp. Num prick pow (details in Tom yum kung blog)
1 tbsp. sugar
1-2 tsp. choped Thai chili (optional)
1 tbsp. roasted peanut
1 tsp. fried shallot
3 tbsp. coconut milk
1 hardboiled egg
Cooking instructions
1.       In the mixing bowl put fish sauce, lime juice, sugar, num-prick pow, and chili (optional) mix well or until sugar dissolves.

2.       In the pot add water and bring it to a boil then add sliced green beans cooked about 1-2 minutes then drain it put it into cold water for keeping the green color.

3.       Add 2 tbsp. water into same pot bring it to a boil and add ground pork and shrimp stirred until it is cooked then turn the heat off

4.       Add cooked meat into the sauce in the mixing bowl(1) then add green beans and shallots tossed until mixed well then pour the salad  onto the serving plate.

5.       Top with roasted peanuts, fried shallots and coconut milk
6.       Serve with hardboiled eggs.
Now enjoy healthy green bean salad yum!!!

PS: This week I'm going to Disney World with my family, so this is my last post for this week. I'll see you next monday then!!! 
Green bean salad Green bean salad Reviewed by techkhmer on July 18, 2011 Rating: 5

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