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Steamed Salmon in Soy Sauce

400 g. salmon steak
2 Tbsp thin soy sauce
1/2 Tbsp seasoning soy sauce
1 Tbsp oyster sauce
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp sesame oil
2 green onions
2 sprigs cilantro
2 red chillies
1/2 cup shredded ginger

1. Wash salmon steak thoroughly, sprinkle salt all over both side. Mix thin soy sauce, seasoning soy sauce, oyster sauce, sugar, and sesame oil in a bowl, stir until well blend.
2. Peel ginger skin, cut green onion roots, cut cilantro stem, wash dirt, pat dry. Shred ginger and cut green onions into long strips.
3. Divide all vegetable into 2 parts. Place first part on dish, place salmon steak, pour sauce mixture over salmon, and place remaining vegetables on salmon steak. Slice red chillies and top on dish.
4. Pour water in a steamer and bring to boil. Place dish in the steamer and steam on medium-high heat about 20 minutes or until fish is cooked.
5. Remove from the steamer and serve hot.

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Steamed Salmon in Soy Sauce Steamed Salmon in Soy Sauce Reviewed by techkhmer on February 23, 2008 Rating: 5

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