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Taro Balls in Coconut Cream(Bua Loi Phuak)

1 cup cooked taro, masked
2 cups glutinous-rice flour
1 cup corn flour
4 cups coconut milk
1 cup palm sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
6-8 teaspoon water

Put the gluttinous-rice and flour and the corn flour in a bowl. Add the mashed taro and knead to a soft dough. Add the mashed taro and knead well. Roll into tiny balls and set aside. Dissolve the palm sugar and salt in the coconut milk over a low heat, stirring constantly. Bring to the boil and add the taro balls. When they are cooked, remove from the heat. Serve hot. Make 4-6 servings.
Taro Balls in Coconut Cream(Bua Loi Phuak) Taro Balls in Coconut Cream(Bua Loi Phuak) Reviewed by techkhmer on October 25, 2007 Rating: 5

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