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Todd mon kung

            Todd mon kung or Shrimp cake or as my hubby calls shrimp nuggets (He can eat 10 of them easily).  This dish actually is one of the new generations that created this dish (about 10-20 years ago).  It’s very popular in any restaurant in Thailand.  It’s very easy to make and very easy to eat, because it’s not spicy and of course it’s fried food served with sauce called “Num jim bouy” or sweet and sour plum sauce if you cannot find use sweet and sour just like in Chinese food is find.  In the original recipe use the fat of pork in it to make it soft in texture, but for me in America I can’t find it in a regular grocery store.  So I try to use something else to substituted pork fat in order to taste like the original.

1 ½ pound shrimp peeled and deveined.
¼ pound ground pork
¼ cup corn starch (for marinate shrimp)
1 Tsp. corn starch
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. Pepper
1 egg white
2 beat egg
½ cup all-purpose flour
1 cup panko bread crumb
4 cup Oil for deep fried
Sweet and sour plum sauce

Cooking instructions
1.      Marinate shrimp with ¼ cup corn starch about 5-10 minutes then wash it and pad dry
Shrimp after marinate and pad dry

2.      In the food processor put the shrimp into it blend it about 30 seconds.
ground shrimp

3.      Add ground pork mix it about a couple of pulses (food processor).
4.      Add 1 tsp. corn starch, salt, pepper mix it well
5.      Add egg white mix it well

The shrimp mixture

6.      Meanwhile preheat oil until 350 F
7.      Mix all-purpose flour, salt, pepper put in to one plate set aside
8.      Beat 2 egg set aside  and put panko bread crumbs into a separate plate to get ready to be fried
9.      Scoop the shrimp mixture about 2 tbsp. make it into a ball, press it into an all-purpose flour, make flat tick about ¼ inch (in picture) coat with flour on both sides
press shrimp mixture into flour

10.  Dip it into egg and coat into panko bread crumbs again.
after coat with egg and panko

11.  Put it into hot oil fried until golden brown on both sides ( about 2-3 minutes each side)
12.  When it’s done take it out and put it on a paper towel.
13.  Serve with sweet sour plum sauce  
Todd mon kung Todd mon kung Reviewed by techkhmer on June 04, 2011 Rating: 5

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