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Thai tea Crème Brulee

Thai tea Crème Brulee picture by Adam Gruszynski
 I went to a valentine’s  party with my Thai friend.  The host was Pearl and Scott her husband, also their was my best friend Sirirat (pick), J J and a lot of Thai girls that I just met and there husbands. Usually after I had my baby Nadia I haven’t really gone to any parties that much, but yesterday was an exception, because Pearl made one of my favorite foods that is very hard to make it called “Sai Krog E Sann” or Northeastern Thai sausage.  This sausage has ground pork, cooked rice, salt, garlic, pepper mixed together and stuffed in the intestine of a pig and fermented by hanging it outside until it sours about a couple of days and then fried or grilled.  Which is a lot of work and I never make it myself, because in Thailand we can find it in with any food vendor, but in the USA I have never found this kind of sausage.  They have another kind that looks similar at the Thai temple, but it is different because it is a northern Thai sausage style that has a kaffir lime leaf in it which is called “Sai Aur” ,and  I don’t really care for that kind.  That’s why I was so excited to go to this party.  She called me a couple of days before and told me that she made it for the first time and she was not very sure how it was going to come out’ but after I tasted it (amm) that was just the way I liked it(sorry I don’t have a picture of it because I ate it all).  
All Party Food

 "Med Kha Non" picture by Adam Gruszynski

She also made Thai desserts called “Med Kha Non” which is mung bean grounded and cooked with coconut milk and sugar rolled in an oval shape and dipped in egg yolk and cooking again in syrup( yes… that is a lot of work too) and Thai tea Crème Brulee.  Actually Crème brulee is not Thai food, but with a twist of Thai tea in it makes it unique to Thailand.
Actually this dessert idea  “Pearl” told me that she got an idea from Nan fine Thai dining restaurant menu as a special (So, thank you Nan Thai dining restaurant to create this menu).  She took the idea and made it for her party.  I ask her can I put it in my blog and she say it was ok.  So I opened my cook book(recipe from better home and garden 2000 cook book)  for crème brulee recipe and added Thai tea.    This is the first time I made this recipe, so I will see how it will go….(I did not get it from Nan Thai dining restaurant original recipe).

2 cup half and half
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/8 tsp. salt
¼ cup raw sugar for make a crust on top
3 tbsp.Strong Thai Tea ( I use 5 tbsp. ground Thai tea with 1 cup of water)
Note :  For Thai tea is a Thai style tea that taste spicy than regular tea (not hot) it has orange in the color. Make it just like making coffee.  A lot of Thai restaurant in America make it sweet and  serve with half and half in Thai we call “Cha Yen”, but if you serve just sweet Thai tea no half and half we call “Cha Dum yen”.
Thai tea

Cooking instruction
1.      In a heavy saucepan heat half and half over medium-low heat just till bubbly .Remove from heat; set aside.

2.      Meanwhile , in a medium mixing bowl combine egg yolks, the 1/3 cup sugar, Thai Tea, and salt. Beat with a wire whisk or rotary beater just till combine. Slowly whisk the hot half and half or light cream into egg mixture.

3.      Place six ¾ cup soufflé dishes or 6-ounce custard cup in a 3-quart rectangular baking pan. Set pan on an oven rack. Pour enough hot water into the baking pan around the dishes to reach halfway up the sides of the dishes

4.      Bake the custard in a 325 oven for 35 to 40 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center of each custard comes out clean. Remove custards from the water bath; cool on wire. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour or up to 8 hours.
5.      Before serving , put 1 tsp. sprinkle over the custard heat with a kitchen blowtorch until the sugar caramelizes evenly. Allow to sit at room temperature for a minute until the caramelized sugar hardens.
Thai tea Crème Brulee picture by Adam Gruszynski

Thank you for the pretty picture from Photographer Adam Gruszynski (Patty husband)
Thai tea Crème Brulee Thai tea Crème Brulee Reviewed by techkhmer on February 15, 2011 Rating: 5

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